Instructions – US Mail & Online Submittal


We are moving to a new Grantee and Applicant Experience. The new portal will have a new look, make the application process easier, and give users the ability to manage all Blackbaud Grantmaking funders from one consolidated portal.  Please visit our website periodically to stay informed.


  • Portal Transition applies only to the Online Submittal process. If your organization has mailed your Application for Funding in the past and that is your preferred method for submittal, this news does not affect you.
  • There are no changes to The Chatlos Foundation eligibility requirements, internal review or funding processes.
  • Portal Transition doesn’t affect the processing of a Pending Application that has been submitted for review and is currently in progress.
  • If you are currently working on an application in your portal, you can continue to do so through your current portal account, but we recommend that you retain a copy of the most current version as you update the application. This can be done through the Printer Friendly Version button, Email Draft option or choose the Save & Finish Later button to have a copy sent to your email.
  • If you are currently working to submit a Final Report or Board Document Requirement through your portal account, please continue to do so and upload upon completion. Additional information regarding the uploading of these Requirements will be given as we get closer to Portal Transition.

CURRENT CHATLOS PORTAL USERS – Upon transition to the new portal, all historical data in your current portal account will be lost.  The Chatlos Foundation does not have access to your portal account information; therefore, we are unable to gather the historical data for you.  You may want to download any previous applications and reports prior to the transition.

A. Please read the following instructions before you begin the application process:

  • Ensure your organization falls within The Chatlos Foundation Guidelines.
  • Review the Information for Applicants to understand The Chatlos Foundation Funding process.
  • Only organizations based in the United States, and recognized as a non-profit by the IRS, may submit a proposal.
  • We do not require, request or desire to receive Letters of Intent or Inquiry.

B. Application Submittal: US Mail Submittal A complete funding request package will include the following and be SINGLE-SIDED:

  1. Cover Letter (which includes the specific request amount and project budget)
  2. Complete Proposal – not to exceed 5 pages (DO NOT BIND, STAPLE or print as a DOUBLE-SIDED document.)
  3. Most recent organizational budget as approved by Board of Directors
  4. One copy of your United States IRS Tax Determination letter that you received in response to your request for tax exempt status, that states that you are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
  5. Complete Chatlos Foundation Application (click for application page)

Mail completed package to:
Grant Administrator
The Chatlos Foundation
P.O. Box 915048
Longwood, FL 32791-5048  

Online Submittal For your convenience, we have established two (2) access options for Chatlos Online Portal users:

  • FIRST TIME USERS – see Online Process Information shown below and CLICK HERE to access the portal
  • RETURNING USERS – CLICK HERE to access the portal and your established account

FIRST TIME USERS – Online Process Information

  • As a new Chatlos Online Portal user, click on the “New Applicant?” button to create an account that you will use to manage and submit your Chatlos funding request(s). Please keep track of your user name and password.
  • The Eligibility Quiz ensures that applicants/organizations are within the established guidelines of The Chatlos Foundation. Completion of this quiz opens the funding application page.
  • The ribbon underneath the header of the online application will guide you through each section of input. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).  Please see the “Helpful Tips” section for additional information.
  • The Attachments section of the application guides you to upload supporting documents including your Proposal Cover Letter, Proposal Documentation (1-5 pages), Board Approved Organizational Budget, and United States IRS 501c3 Determination Letter. As noted in “Helpful Tips”, confirm that each document attachment is less than 25mb in size before initiating the upload process.